I find myself typing this post on a freezing December afternoon, six months after this project was completed. It has been over a year since I posted last, and it’s been a wild one.
This pool was put in two owners ago in 1989 by Anthony Pools. The thing is older than me (though admittedly not by much). The coping was crumbling at spots and the plaster was worn down in certain areas as well. We had a few quotes given to us over the summer of 2020. We picked out materials and signed the contract in September 2020 and I anxiously awaited the following Spring. Lets just say things didn’t go according to plan but I will get to that later.
Before pics of the pool from Summer 2020 are the first two pics. The second two are from the day renovations started. It hadn’t been opened yet so it was nice and dirty.

The first call I got was in March 2021 informing us that the tile I had chosen was out of stock by the manufacturer and wouldn’t be available until April. I was told to choose a backup. Then April came then it was May, then not at all. Then my backup choice wasn’t available either. The contracting company ended up having ONE tile option if I wanted this project completed before the end of summer, which is the one you will see installed later. I was not thrilled. Not the contractors fault necessarily, the pandemic has caused crazy shortages in the construction industry but the communication was poor. I did not realize how waiting for the tile would push our project back. After all this back and forth they weren’t able to fit us in until late June. We lost a nice chunk of summertime.
The next gallery is the pool after the entirety of the demo work was completed.

The coping was completed first followed by the tile. Obligatory standing in the deep end while 6 months pregnant pic. Thats a thing, right? The work was not completed consecutively, and because of backups and shortages the project completion was delayed over a week. At this point I was borderline furious because we scheduled the pool to be filled with the water delivery company on the date they originally gave us for plastering.

Coping: Havana Red Brick
Plaster: Krystalkrete Supreme
The tile actually ended up looking nice, even though I didn’t get to choose it.
The pool NEEDS to be filled immediately (within 24 hours). The contractor stresses to have the water delivery scheduled for plaster day. If the plaster is exposed to air too long cracking can occur. Oh my God what a debacle that was.
We originally contacted one company with large trucks, who we asked specifically if they could make it back our fairly scenic road and driveway, and we were assured it wasn’t a problem. We also contacted a second company with smaller trucks while we were waiting to hear back from the first. They also were available the day we needed but we went with the first. Then plaster day comes and the big truck company informed us that they in fact could NOT make it down our road and fill our pool. It was the only way such a clusterfuck of a project could end. I was frantically making calls to every water company I could find on Google right before fourth of July weekend while our well water hose slowly filled the deep end. The second company ended up pulling through for us and filling it the next morning, within the 24 hour window. Shout out to Kurtz Water Delivery who saved the day (and pool plaster) for us.

At this point the fourth of July was days away, and we usually have a large party. I ended rescheduling it for the next weekend so I had time to balance chemicals and the plaster had time to cure. It was halfway through summer by the time we got to enjoy the pool, and as stressful as everything was, it did turn out beautifully.

I look forward to spending many summers enjoying it with my two children, family and friends. Who knows, maybe eventually I’ll even be able to laugh at what a terrible year this has been. Maybe some day we will finish the downstairs too. Who knows. Sayonara 2021.